Takoda’s Legacy: Welcome to the Magic Circle

Welcome friends and friends to be!

And to our friends who are absent... we miss you. Many of you have traveled great distance to be here today.  Welcome!

You may not know this yet, but you have stepped inside a magic circle.

You are standing now in the greatest city in the world, Black Rock City.

This desert city appears as if by magic, flourishes for a short time with art, music and love... And then disappears like a mirage.

You have stepped inside a magic circle.

This place can change you, if you let it.

There is no instruction manual for Burning Man. You have to figure it out for yourself.  But I'd like to leave you with some advice for your journey:

Open your heart and mind. Leave your fears and self doubts behind.  This place is about radical creativity and self expression.

That 13th century Burner, the Persian Poet Rumi, said it best:

"Run from what is comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be Notorious."

Be a participant, not an observer. Volunteer as a lamplighter, a temple guardian, or a greeter. Take a Tai Chi or yoga class hereon the playa. 

Make art. Make music. Dance.

Care for one another. Connect with other people. Give the gift of yourself. As Rumi said:

"Be a lamp, or a life boat, or a ladder. Help someone's soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd."

I'd like to thank everyone who made Camp Cyberia possible, but especially my co-founders Jhana and Saphira. Who gave of their time and talents to get everything organized. 

Thank you all.

You are wonderful. Thank you all for being here.

Welcome friends! Enjoy your time together.

- Takoda, 2014